Title: Uncommon Distractions Author: Kay Email: kaygrr@hotmail.com Feedback: Please? Because watching a grown girl cry is just pathetic. Website: ssfdu.tripod.com/kay/journal.htm (love for Sandy) Archive: Just let me know, eh? Fandom: Buffy Pairing: (Xander/Graham) + (Xander/Spike) = Xander/Graham/Spike Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Mine? What? *These*? No, they're Mutant Enemy's. They just followed me home and wouldn't leave until I played with them. Spoilers: The last season of Buffy. The incident with Glory, and the ep "The Body". (Look at me, trying to be vague). And that ugly rumor about Spike and a certain blond slayer? Never happened. Summery: Graham and Riley are called back to Sunnydale when the area destabilizes. When they return, they discover there are new factors in lives of the Scooby Gang, especially in Xander and Spike's. Part 17/? Finally sure that Xander was truly asleep rather than unconscious, Graham left the bedroom and headed for the phone in the living room. He would have liked to stay and watch Xander sleep and just reassure himself that the dark-haired man was breathing and alive, but he needed to make a phone call and he wasn't going to risk waking Xander. He picked up the phone and dialed. //Yes?// Riley picked up immediately on the other end. "He woke up," Graham said, not bothering to hid the relief in his voice. "He woke up and he's going to be all right." //Good. Do you need me to come back over?// "I think we'll be ok. I'll keep you posted. I'm going to hang around here and make sure...I'm just going to make sure." //Don't worry about it, Graham. I'll cover for you. I'll the major that you're monitoring the situation, if I have to.// Graham smiled. Riley had his back. Of course. "Thanks, Ri." //Just keep me informed and call if you need me.// "Will do." Graham hung up the phone and sank down on the couch. The past few hours had been hell. Waiting for Xander to wake up had nearly destroyed his nerves and having to keep Spike calm hadn't helped. The vampire had been torn between going back to the cemetery and killing the Cynon and pacing ceaselessly around Xander's room, gaze pinned on the unconscious man. Now that he knew that Xander was going to be all right, Graham allowed himself to relax, releasing the tension and fear that had driven him for the past few hours. He watched Spike put Xander's glass away in the dishwasher. Something pulled at his attention. "When you offered Xander something to help with his headache, you weren't talking about aspirin, were you?" The blond man watched him with speculation clear on his face. "No, I wasn't. The kind of headache he'll have when he wakes up, aspirin won't do him much good. Blood can take away his pain and I'm not going to let him hurt." The vampire lounged on one of the chairs. "A little blood can't hurt him. It won't turn him or change him; it heals him." The vampire stared at him mildly. "I would never hurt him." Graham sat up straighter. They'd manage to get along for the past few hours, mainly because they were too busy worrying about Xander to do anything else. It looked like the temporary truce was over. Fine. It was time to end this. "Are you trying to imply that I would hurt him?" "I don't have to imply it. You already have." Graham looked down at his hands. The vampire was right. He knew he'd hurt Xander, hurt him badly when he'd walked away from him in the cemetery, but he'd been hurting himself. He wasn't proud of what had happened then, but he wasn't going to just give up. He'd made a horrible mistake and it had almost cost him Xander. He wasn't so stupid that he could make the same mistake twice. "I know that. I also know what I could have lost. I'm not going to risk that again." He looked back up at Spike. "So no more walking out on him?" Spike's gaze was serious. "As long as he wants me near, as long as he'll let me be here, I'm not going anywhere." He couldn't stop it from coming out as a challenge. "I love him." Spike held his gaze for several moments. "Fine. So do I. Where does that leave us?" Graham knew he couldn't fall back on accusing Spike of lying. He'd seen the vampire be willing to fight, kill, and die to protect Xander. Spike did love him. Graham could also admit that he understood what Xander saw in Spike: not only was the vampire protective and a good friend to the dark-haired man, but he was also the sexiest thing in leather to cross Graham's path in a long time. Involuntarily, he felt himself begin to flush as he studied the curve of the other man's mouth. Spike rose to his feet and crossed the short distance to join Graham on the couch. "We've got to come to an understanding," he said quietly. "Now. Otherwise, we're not going to be able to do anything to help Xander." "What kind of understanding?" Graham was finding it difficult to think rationally with Spike sitting so close. He could smell the leather of the ever-present duster and the blue gaze that held his own was even more powerful up close. "Humans," Spike muttered. "Do you always have to make everything so hard? You love Xander. I love Xander." His eyes darkened as he deliberately looked Graham up and down. "And you're not so bad yourself. You helped me get past some very boring hours while I was locked up inside your damned base." Graham blinked. "What?" He could feel himself reacting to Spike's blatant perusal, lust stirring within him as a result of the other man's nearness. "Had to occupy my thoughts somehow, didn't I? Vengeance fantasies are well and good, but they got boring after the third day. Fantasies about blue-eyed soldiers, now - those can keep me occupied much longer. I saw you in the hall right after I was brought in. I saw you and I wanted you and I remembered you. Most fun I had in that place was thinking of you and putting on a show for the camera." Struggling to swallow with a throat gone suddenly dry, Graham forced himself to reply. "You weren't just performing for the camera. I was watching." "You were?" Looking very pleased, Spike moved closer. "Every chance I got. If I had a single shift in the observation room, I'd rewind the tape, so I could watch it again and again." The admission wasn't hard to make, not with Spike smiling at him like that, hunger so evident in his eyes. "I wanted to watch you. I wanted you, too." He didn't have to wait for Spike's reaction. The vampire slowly leaned forward, clearly telegraphing his intentions. Graham didn't try to stop him; instead, when Spike's lips brushed over his own he welcomed the kiss. It was hesitant and uncertain and when Spike sat back Graham wasn't sure if he was sorry it was over or not. He stared at Spike for a moment, then it was his turn to lean forward. He pressed his mouth to Spike's, the kiss that they'd just shared giving him the confidence he needed to deepen the caress, licking at Spike's lips. The blond man responded willingly, parting his lips and inviting Graham's tongue inside to play with his own That was all it took for the lust Graham had so carefully buried to emerge full-blown and nearly out of control. He wrapped one arm around Spike to pull him closer and was met with strength greater than he'd expected. Not that Spike was resisting; instead, he was pushing closer to Graham, seeking more contact with him as the kiss deepened. Cool fingers twining in his hair, Graham slid his arms inside of Spike's duster, hands wandering over the wiry muscle of the vampire's back. It felt hot and exciting and far more right than he'd ever imagined it could. It wasn't like it was with Xander but that was all right because it was good in a different way. It was the thought of Xander that brought Graham back to his senses. He wrenched away from Spike, pulling his arms free and staring at the vampire. He shook his head. "What was that?" "That was promising," Spike said. "I think you'll work out just fine, pet." Graham stared at him. It couldn't be that simple. He and Spike kiss and everything is all right? "It doesn't work like that." "Why the hell can't it?" Spike stood up and paced irritably. "I'm not saying life is going to be roses and puppies from now on, but life never is. I'm saying that we've got a start. You're a nice bit of all right and I'm not feeling any urgent need to gut you. We both love Xander and I'm willing to admit that I could easily begin to care about you." He came to a stop and glared down at Graham. "Stop thinking about it. Thinking can't solve this. Just feel." Graham stared at him, tracing his gaze over the vampire's lean body. He knew he wanted Spike, had known ever since he first saw the blond man. He'd been angry when he realized that Spike was competing with him for Xander's attention, but he'd never wanted the other man dead. Now that he knew how much Spike really did love Xander, he couldn't hate the vampire. He licked his lips. "We both love Xander." "We both want each other." Graham nodded slowly. "So long as we agree that whatever happens, we don't let it hurt Xander." "Or each other," Spike added. "I don't want to hurt you either, pet." A small smile tugging at his lips, Graham nodded. "I don't want to hurt you, so I guess we're even." He smiled at Spike, then glanced over at the door to Xander's bedroom. "How long before he's awake again, do you think?" "Soon, I hope. He needs to rest, but I'd feel when I've given him a drink. Then I'll know he's going to be all right." He sat down next to Graham once more, glancing side long at him. "You know that it won't hurt him. I'd never do anything to hurt him." Graham nodded. "At least that's something we can agree on. Neither of us would ever do anything to hurt him." "Are you sure about that, pet?" Spike's stare was frankly skeptical. ***** Spike watched Graham react to his comment, surprise blooming in his blue eyes as he realized that Spike was doubting him. He knew it was risky to do this so soon after he and Graham had made fragile peace between them, but he couldn't let this go. He had to make sure that Graham was truly committed to this before he let him get anywhere near Xander's heart again. He also had to do this to protect himself; he was under no illusions about his own tendencies to become attached quickly and he had no desire to be hurt. Well, not hurt like that, anyway. Graham leaned forward. "I know I was wrong for what I said to him. I was hurt and not thinking and now that I've almost lost him I'm never going to make that same mistake again. I'm going to do whatever it takes to make it up to him." "Damn right you're going to, but that's not what I'm talking about." Graham's Jaw tightened. "In case you've forgotten, I'm not the soulless demon here. I'm not likely to hurt Xander just for the sheer fun of it." Spike inclined his head in acknowledgement of the point. "Since this particular soulless demon loves him, that's not something to worry about." "Quit dancing around whatever you're trying to say and just say it. I thought we were getting past this." "We will be, pet. Just as soon as I'm sure that you're not going to spit on Xander's love again, we'll be just fine." "Haven't you heard anything I said? I'm not going to hurt Xander. I love him." "Fine. And when your Initiative decides that the crisis here is finished and they tell you to head back out to the jungle for another two years, what are you going to do then? Kiss Xan and me good-bye and promise to come up and visit us when you've built up enough leave time?" Graham blinked. It was obvious that he hadn't really thought about it. Not giving him a chance to recover, Spike leaned forward to get into the other man's face. "Are you really going to convince him to trust you, to give you his love and then walk away from him and tell him to wait for you? After everything he's been through, I'm sure he'd be just fine with having little or no word from you, never knowing if you're alive or hurt. It's a completely fair and reasonable request to make, asking him to live without you and worry in exchange for spending a few weeks a year with you." Spike had to consciously force himself to lower his voice. He had more than a few abandonment issues himself and he didn't want to wake Xander up with them. He cut off his words and watched Graham closely, waiting for a reaction. Graham leaned back against the couch and closed his eyes. "I hadn't even thought that far ahead," he said quietly. "I never thought there could be anything with Xander, you know? He was with Anya and then he'd never be interested and then there was you...it just never seemed like I needed to think about this because it was never going to matter." "Then think about it now. It matters. You can't play with Xander." "Or with you." One blue eye opened briefly and looked directly at him. "You're a part of this as well." Spike was pleasantly surprised. Graham was proving to be more perceptive then he'd given him credit for. "Oh, sometimes I like to be played with," he said with a faint leer, willing to lighten up now that he had Graham's attention. "But not like this, no." "I'm going to get out of the Initiative." "I can't see transferring into another part of the military as helping. You'll be more accessible, but there's still no base in Sunnydale. You'll still be too distant." "No, I mean I'm going to get out of the service altogether." It was Spike's turn to blink in surprise. He hadn't expected that. "Isn't that a big step?" "Yeah, but it's been coming for a while. I stayed because someone has to do the job and I'm good at it. Besides, I didn't have anything else tying me to anywhere else. Now I've got two very compelling reasons to stay in Sunnydale and I can keep on doing the same work." Spike nodded, allowing his pleasure to show on his face. It was exactly what he wanted to hear, but he had a few more questions before he'd be completely satisfied. "I'll admit to not knowing much about it, but isn't it difficult to get out of the military? Don't you have to serve out terms?" "Not in the Initiative. It's a special assignment, for volunteers only. I can get out at anytime; there's always a list of guys more eager than they are bright trying to get in with the special unit. The work is too dangerous to allow any sort of burn-out, so getting out is just a matter of signing non-disclosure agreements and I'm on my way." He sat up and met Spike's gaze seriously. "I didn't have much else to do with my life. I'm good at fighting monsters and Riley was still in the unit so it was the best thing I had going." "Riley's still in the unit." Spike understood the power the familiar could have over a person. He figured that the closeness offered by the military unit was like what he'd experienced living with Angelus and Dru. He knew how that closeness could call to a person and he didn't want to risk Graham not being able to go without it. It was all well and good for Graham to be able to get out, but he had to be able to stay out and he could be drawn back in by Riley. Graham shook his head. "Not for long. His heart went out of it when he left Buffy. He's not going to leave again. I think Xander convinced him to try to talk to Buffy, to see if they can give things another try." "What if she won't take him back?" Spike didn't feel any real worry over beyond how it could effect Graham. He had no regrets over running Riley off. In love or not, he was still the Big Bad. "Then he'll do something else. Neither of us finished grad school and I know I'd like to. I'll find something to do that will let me stay with Xander." Graham smiled a little. "That will let me stay with you." Spike allowed himself to smile back. He knew this wasn't going to be easy. Humans were funny about love even under normal circumstances. Guiding Xander and Graham through the ins and outs of a three-way relationship was going to be hard, but if Graham was committed to making it work then they actually had a chance. Xander was definitely worth it and he was beginning to believe that Graham was, too. "You know this isn't going to be easy, don't you, pet?" Spike finally let himself relax back into the chair. "I mean, beyond the obvious. Xander hasn't had any luck at all with love. Add in the fact that his friends hate me and don't really like the Initiative much and we've got an interesting time ahead of us." Graham groaned. "I don't want to think about that. Convincing Xander to go along with this is going to be hard enough, without worrying about everyone else." A small grin played around the corners of his mouth. "I think we should try convincing him while he's still feeling the effects of the head injury. It might make things easier." Spike laughed. "You've noticed how stubborn he can be, then." Another thought occurred to him and he leered at Graham. "Since we're getting to know each other better, pet, there are a few more things I'd like to ask." "Are you sure you wouldn't just rather I show you?" Graham leered right back at him. Better and better. "In time, yeah. This is something we actually need to talk about, though. How much experience do you have with men?" Graham shrugged. "Enough, I guess. I haven't had many long term relationships. Being in the military doesn't make being gay easy." He grinned a little. "I put my special training to use, though, so I've been far from lonely in the past. There's not too much I haven't done." He shot Spike a challenging look. "What about you?" Spike as sprawled in the chair as provocatively as he could, loving the way Graham's gaze was focused completely upon him. "Me? Pet, I'm a vampire. Humans don't even have words for some of the things I've tried." He shifted a little in his chair, keeping Graham's attention. "Gender doesn't make a difference to us. Hell, species is little more than a passing concern. I think I can pretty much cover any gaps in your knowledge." Graham swallowed hard. "Can't wait," he answered with darkened eyes. "What about Xander?" "Oh, I'll show him, too," Spike promised. "That's not what I meant," Graham said. "I know." Spike decided to stop teasing the other man. "Xander doesn't have any experience with men. No one in his little group of friends can keep a secret and I'm sure it would have come up by now. He's been involved with nonhumans before, so that won't be too much of stretch for him, but everything about sex with men will be new for him." "Then we'll just have to take things as slowly as he needs us to and show him everything he wants us to." Graham grinned. "And I know I'll want you to show me things." Spike decided Graham deserved a reward for answering all the questions basically the way that Spike wanted him to. He stood up and shifted over to sitting on the couch, leaning into Graham's space. "I'll show you anything you want," he promised, leaning forward to flick his tongue over the blue-eyed man's lower lip. Warm hands immediately clasped his shoulder and pulled him closer and he went willingly, resting his weight against Graham's chest and delving deeper into the other man's mouth, kissing him with curiosity and desire. The warmth was like Xander, but the similarity ended there. Graham was far more aggressive, more confident, and he tasted nothing like Xander. Not that any of that was bad; it was different and delicious and Spike wanted more. He slid his hands down to the hem of Graham's shirt, but before he could make a move to remove it, a sound from the other room distracted him. He pulled away from Graham for a moment to listen better. A few seconds later and he was sure. He kissed Graham once more, hard, and then sat up. "Xander's awake." *****