Title: Uncommon Distractions Author: Kay Email: kaygrr@hotmail.com Feedback: Please? Because watching a grown girl cry is just pathetic. Website: ssfdu.tripod.com/kay/journal.htm (love for Sandy) Archive: Just let me know, eh? Fandom: Buffy Pairing: (Xander/Graham) + (Xander/Spike) = Xander/Graham/Spike Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Mine? What? *These*? No, they're Mutant Enemy's. They just followed me home and wouldn't leave until I played with them. Spoilers: The last season of Buffy. The incident with Glory, and the ep "The Body". (Look at me, trying to be vague). And that ugly rumor about Spike and a certain blond slayer? Never happened. Summery: Graham and Riley are called back to Sunnydale when the area destabilizes. When they return, they discover there are new factors in lives of the Scooby Gang, especially in Xander and Spike's. Part 22/24 Graham leaned back against a tall headstone, taking a break from the killing. Xander and Spike were doing just fine without him; the little gang of vampires they had come across had been quickly reduced to only two survivors. Xander was in the final process of maneuvering his opponent out of position so he could end the fight with his stake, while Spike was blatantly playing with the one he faced. Graham watched appreciatively as the two men fought, enjoying the sight of their bodies moving with deadly grace as they finished off their opponents. Life was good and it was getting better. His request to be released from the Initiative been approved and he was now the proud owner of a generous post-service scholarship that he intended to use at the university next fall. Riley had left the service as well and from what he told Graham, he was slowly on his way to reconciling with Buffy. Graham was happy for his friend, but even better was what was happening between him, Xander, and Spike. They were still moving at what felt like an excruciatingly slow pace, but it was necessary. Xander was still trying to shake off the Cynon's influence, and even a week after visiting the demon the effects still lingered. Graham was horrified by this; he hadn't understood what Xander was going through every time he went to make a deal with the demon. If the terror of rejection was lingering this long, how long had Xander struggled with feelings of depression or loneliness or loss each time the Cynon had demanded them? It was the realization of how shaken Xander was that made the waiting possible. It was more than a little maddening. He loved Xander and wanted him fiercely. One moment, Xander would be laughing and kissing him, obviously as eager as Graham was to take things further. A few moments later, Xander would be withdrawn and quiet, certain that Spike and Graham were both about to walk out and leave him alone forever. The periods of depression were coming farther and farther apart now and they didn't last very long, but as long as they lingered the relationship was stalled in limbo. Graham was ready to finally make love to Xander and was sure Spike was as well, but the time wasn't right. Graham had talked to Riley about it, wanting the benefit of his friend's training in psychology. Everything Riley told him meshed perfectly with what Graham felt: so long as Xander was filled with doubt, they couldn't push anything. They had to wait for Xander's mind and heart to be free of the Cynon's influence, or else he'd never be able to trust the love that they shared. The sight of Xander killing his opponent brought Graham back to the present. He grinned widely as Xander brushed dust off his sleeves. Xander grinned back at him and walked easily into his arms, claiming a kiss as he reward for killing the vampire. Graham was more than happy to reward him, pulling Xander close and using his height to his advantage in order to dominate the kiss, the taste of the dark-haired man something he could never take for granted. "Hey!" Spike's objection caused them to end their kiss so they could look at him. "What about me?" the vampire asked. "I killed one, too." Graham unwrapped one of his arms from around Xander and reached out to grab Spike and pull him in for a kiss. It wasn't like kissing Xander at all: Spike was cool and powerful and utterly confident. It wasn't better or worse; it was just different. He leaned away from Spike with a lingering smile. That was one benefit of all this waiting: he and Spike had moved beyond mutual lust. He wasn't sure it was love, yet, but it was getting closer and closer to it. He rolled his eyes as Spike grabbed Xander and pinned him up against a tombstone. That was one thing that definitely hadn't changed: both of them were utterly in love with Xander. He watched for a few moments, then forcibly separated them. "We're in a cemetery," he said. Spike looked utterly unrepentant, but Xander nodded. "Right. Ew." He reached out and slid a caressing hand over Graham's ass. "Just wait till I get you two home." Graham shared a quick assessing glance with Spike. Xander had been complaining more and more about the slow pace they'd all agreed to follow. It had been nearly a full day since his last attack of terror over rejection. The Cynon's influence might actually be gone. Graham didn't want to get his hopes up over this if he was wrong, but Xander's complaints could be a sign that he was finally back to being in control of himself. Graham was about to suggest that maybe they should head back to Xander' apartment and test the idea out when his cell rang. He answered quickly. "Yeah?" //Nice way to answer the phone,// Riley chided. //Wait, I was interrupting anything, was I? Don't tell me if I was, just tell me you can't talk.// "Ri, shut up. What do you want?" //Buffy just called me. She'd tried to get a hold of Xander earlier and wanted me to see if I could find him through you.// "Is something wrong?" Graham held the phone a little away from his ear so Spike and Xander, who had drawn near, could hear as well. //I don't think so. She just said that she wants him to come to her house.// Xander grabbed the phone. "Riley, get off the line so I can call her." Riley laughed. //She's right here.// There was a pause, then Buffy's voice came over the line. //Xander?// "Buffy, what wrong?" There was concern bordering on panic in his voice. Graham took a step toward him, putting his hand on his shoulder in a gesture of comfort. //Nothing. Nothing, I promise you. I want you to come to the house as soon as you can.// "I'm on my way now," Xander promised. "I'll see you in a few." He hung up the phone and handed it back to Graham. "We have to go." Spike looked slightly mutinous, but he nodded. "Let's go, then." Graham shook his head as he followed Xander. This could get ugly. Spike still didn't like Buffy all that much, although he seemed to be growing fonder of Willow as time passed. He just hoped Spike kept himself under control. If he instigated a confrontation with Buffy, Graham and Xander would be forced to interfere to make sure neither one of them were hurt. An all out brawl was really going to be a mood-killer, and Graham had plans for the rest of the night. They made it to the Summers house quickly and Xander ran up the steps and banged on the door. The door was opened by a man Graham had never met. He recognized him from briefings, though. "Giles!" Xander said. "What's going on? Is everyone all right?" He looked closely at the other man. "Are *you* all right? You look awful." Xander was right. Tactless, but right. Giles looked as though he hadn't slept for a week, the lines around his face deep, drawn. For all that, there was a clear light of triumph in his eyes and a sense of satisfaction intermixed with his weariness. The older man smiled at Xander. "I'm fine," he said. "Nothing is wrong. In fact, we have some very good news for you." His brow furrowed. "Spike, what are you doing here? And this is?" Xander placed one hand on Spike's shoulder and the other on Graham's arm. "Spike's here with me, Giles. And this is Graham. He's a friend. He's been helping us." "Graham!" Riley's voice came from the living room. "Xander, Spike. Glad you could make it, finally. You're the last ones. Willow and Tara beat you, even." Willow and Tara followed him out of the kitchen. Willow walked over and looked Xander over carefully, obviously checking up on him. "We only beat you by a few minutes," she assured them. "And maybe now that you're here, Giles will finally spill about what's going on." "I'll tell," Buffy said, surprising them all as she came down the stairs. She looked even more tired than Giles, but she was smiling widely. "Dawn is healed. Giles figured it out. She's going to be all right." Xander whooped even as Willow clapped and Riley ran up the stairs to embrace Buffy. Xander wrapped his arms around Spike in a fierce embrace, and Graham could see Spike's face. The vampire looked enormously relieved, reminding Graham of comments the dark-eyed man had made about Spike's friendship with Dawn. Then it was his turn for a hug as Xander released Spike and grabbed him. Graham could feel all the pent up fear leaving Xander in that embrace and realized how much worry for Dawn the other man had been hiding. This made him return the hug as tightly as he dared, glad that Xander and Spike could both stop worrying now. Xander released him and grabbed Willow, laughing with her before stealing Buffy away from Riley so he could lift her off her feet. Everyone was celebrating, sharing hugs and joy and relief. Graham didn't know Dawn, but he could see how much she meant to everyone. Even Spike, who pretended indifference to everyone except him and Xander was looking damn near ecstatic. Graham knew no one else was going to hug the vampire, so he helped himself to an armful of Spike. He got a pinch to his ass for his trouble, but that came with a fully honest smile from Spike, so it was worth it. Graham stifled a laugh as he watched Xander force Giles into a brief hug, then turn on Tara and pick her up and swing her around. After that, Xander was back beside him and Spike, grinning like a madman. "So when can we go see Dawn?" he asked. "It's been just about forever, it feels like." Back in the circle of Riley's arms, Buffy shook her head slowly, the smile slipping off her face. "I think we've got something to talk about first," she said, looking significantly from Xander over to Spike and Graham. Graham froze. She'd noticed the hugs, then, and wasn't going to dismiss them to overexuberance. Everyone in the room went silent as they waited for an answer. Willow's eyes were wide and she held Tara's hand tightly, while Giles stood up straighter. The blue-eyed man wasn't sure what to do. They hadn't really discussed telling anyone about the relationship; they'd had enough to worry about just among themselves to get that far in their thinking. He knew he wasn't ashamed of anything: he loved Xander and he was falling for Spike, and that was all the explanation that he owed anyone. He knew Spike felt the same way. Hell, the vampire would probably rub the others' faces in it, just to see them squirm. Xander glanced over at him and Graham could read the indecision in Xander's eyes. He knew the dark-haired man well enough to guess what he was thinking. Xander didn't want to upset his friends, but he was a basically honest person so lying wouldn't sit well with him. Graham decided to do the talking for Xander. The other man would no doubt yell at him for it later, but that was fine. If he took the attention off Xander, then he'd be the one to take the brunt of any possible abuse. If he could shield Xander from that, then any scolding that got him would be well worth it. "I'm in love with Xander," he said simply. Buffy's gaze cut over to Xander. "Xander?" The dark-eyed man nodded. "It's true, Buff. And I'm in love with him." Buffy blinked a couple of times, taking a few moments to absorb the information. She nodded slowly. "All right. I'll expect details later," she said with a steely look at Xander, "but I can accept. So what's the story with Spike?" Graham shrugged. "He's got a great ass and I think I'm falling for him, too." He didn't want to have to explain things he was still figuring out for himself. The flippancy just sort of slipped out; continued exposure to Xander and Spike was definitely affecting him. Buffy stepped away from Riley, her eyes hard and her hands curled into loose fists. She looked pissed. Willow took a step forward and her eyes were *scary*, dark and determined and looking as though they could look right through him. Maybe being flip hadn't been the best way to go. *****