Title: Uncommon Distractions Author: Kay Email: kaygrr@hotmail.com Feedback: Please? Because watching a grown girl cry is just pathetic. Website: ssfdu.tripod.com/kay/journal.htm (love for Sandy) Archive: Just let me know, eh? Fandom: Buffy Pairing: (Xander/Graham) + (Xander/Spike) = Xander/Graham/Spike Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Mine? What? *These*? No, they're Mutant Enemy's. They just followed me home and wouldn't leave until I played with them. Spoilers: The last season of Buffy. The incident with Glory, and the ep "The Body". (Look at me, trying to be vague). And that ugly rumor about Spike and a certain blond slayer? Never happened. Summery: Graham and Riley are called back to Sunnydale when the area destabilizes. When they return, they discover there are new factors in lives of the Scooby Gang, especially in Xander and Spike's. Part 3/? Graham sighed blissfully and opened the passenger door to the vehicle. Humming to himself, he climbed inside. "Are you sure you don't want to drive?" Riley asked. Graham just grinned and shook his head. "Right. Distracted. I should've known." Riley got behind the wheel with a rueful smile. "You should've," Graham agreed. Riley knew he was in no shape for concentrating on the road. Oh, he could have done it if it had been necessary, but he really didn't want to. They'd just finished staking out Xander at his current job. God bless construction work. Riley had seemed bored most of the time they had spent watching the construction site of a new set of tract of housing, but Graham had been enthralled. Xander had walked around in faded jeans and a button down shirt, carrying lumbar and tools. He had been quiet, but had laughed and joked around with the other workers when they spoke to him. He seemed popular, always ready to lend a hand if it was needed before anyone could even ask. Graham hadn't been able to hear anything that was said, but the smiles on the faces of the men around Xander made him wish he could. As the day had grown warmer, Xander shed his shirt and just wore a white undershirt. Riley had made a show of waving his hand in front of Graham's face to break his concentration. Graham smacked the offending hand away; it was blocking his view of Xander. The dark-haired man's face had been set in lines of concentration as he had focused on sawing boards down to size and plotting out angles and distances for walls and foundations. The afternoon sun had summoned up a sheen of moisture that covered Xander's skin and his body had gleamed as he worked the day away. Graham closed his eyes, picturing Xander once more. The image that rose in his mind wasn't perfect: Xander had only really spoken when spoken to, and his eyes had been dark with weariness. It wasn't the same exhaustion as they had seen in the girls, but Graham still didn't like it. He asked Riley, "Did you notice how tired he looked?" "What, you did?" Riley asked with exaggerated surprise. "I would've thought you were too busy staring at his ass." Graham glared at him. "I didn't *just* look at his ass." "True. The rest of the time, you were making sheep's eyes at the rest of him." "Only you would make a comment about sheep's eyes. I guess that unhealthy obsession you developed with them back on the farm never really - hey!" They were going to have to clean up the car. There were too many pieces of paper lying about that Riley could ball up and throw at him. "He should head straight home," Riley said, mind back on the mission. "We'll connect with the surveillance team there and see if we can find out what's got him so worn out." They couldn't risk following him too closely themselves for fear of being spotted, so another team would handle that until he reached his house. Graham and Riley crammed themselves inside a different surveillance van just as the sun started to go down. Graham watched the video screens with interest, wanting to see what Xander's apartment looked like. It didn't have much in the way of furniture in the living room or two bedrooms and it was cluttered as though Xander hadn't had time to do any real cleaning. It wasn't dirty; it just wasn't neat. It looked as though Xander hadn't been spending much time there...Graham resolutely ignored that line of thought. No thinking about Xander spending all his time with Anya for him. He'd just think about Xander in a tank top some more instead. The sound of the van's radio crackling to life startled him out of his reverie. //Harris has been joined by an unknown individual. They're both enroute to his apartment.// "Copy that," Riley acknowledged. "It's probably Anya," he said quietly, glancing at Graham. "Probably," Graham agreed, keeping his tone neutral. No need to broadcast his crush to the techies, now was there? He watched the monitor more closely and was rewarded after several minutes by seeing Xander enter the apartment closely followed by...Hostile 17? Graham heard Riley swear and instantly sympathized. He'd heard Riley complain about Spike and the way the vampire was sniffing around Buffy more times than he could count. He remembered Spike from his incarceration within the Initiative compound, when he was just Hostile 17 awaiting chip-insertion. He'd noticed the vampire because of his amazing eyes and lean body, feeling the insistent pull of lust even as he'd reminded himself that the man was evil. What the hell was he doing with Xander? Neither man said anything. Xander dropped his tools on the floor and headed for the bathroom, the only room without a camera in it, while Spike walked into the kitchen. While Xander showered and changed his clothes, Spike pulled a bag of liquid out of the refrigerator and poured it into a saucepan, as well as stuck a frozen dinner in the microwave. By the time Xander returned, hair damp and wearing clean clothes, Spike had the dinner waiting for him on the counter. Xander took it with a quiet thank you and wolfed it down. Spike watched him, sipping the heated liquid that he'd poured into a mug. Blood, Graham realized. Spike kept blood in Xander's refrigerator. And made Xander dinner! What the hell was this? Riley was no help; he looked even more confused then Graham felt. They both stared at the screen, trying to understand what was happening. Spike watched Xander over the rim of his mug. "Maybe you should stay in tonight. You look tired." Xander licked his fork clean and shook his head. "We've got work to do. No rest for the weary." He threw out his dinner box and opened one of the drawers in the kitchen and pulled out a pair of stakes and a handgun. "No rest for the wicked, either," he said, shrugging on a jacket. "Let's go." Spike tossed back the rest of his blood. Wiping the back of his hand across his mouth, he followed Xander out the door. "Where the hell are they going?" Graham asked. "Xander just spent the last ten hours at work!" He grasped the door handle to the van's side door, waiting for the all clear signal. As soon as the tech nodded, he and Riley hit the street. They kept their distance, not wanting either man ahead to notice them. Neither of them spoke; focused on the mission, Graham pushed his concern to the side to deal with later. Xander and Spike moved with purpose; they weren't out on the random wandering patrols that Riley had described as being the usual for Buffy's friends. The two men walked quickly toward their goal: one of Sunnydale's many cemeteries. Once inside, they slowed down, speaking in quiet tones to each other. Graham shook his head. They were an open invitation to attack. He should have remembered what thinking thoughts like that in Sunnydale could do. Five figures appeared from the shadows, circling Xander and Spike. Graham eyed Riley, waiting for a signal that they should intervene. Riley shook his head so Graham went back to watching, muscles tense. If Xander looked like he was in trouble, he was going in. He was sure Riley would be right beside him. Xander and Spike separated, turning to keep the beings surrounding them in sight. The five strangers vamped out as they closed in. Xander immediately pulled out the stakes he had stashed away, Spike vamped out, and the fight was on. Xander staked one of the vampires immediately and fended off another with his stake, while Spike dusted two others before they could react. Spike barely paused before leaping upon a third, knocking it to the ground and snapping its neck before thrusting a stake into its heart. The blond man was on his feet immediately and moved in on the remaining vampire. Obviously frightened, the final attacker hesitated, giving Xander the opportunity to stake it cleanly. Graham watched as Spike spoke intently to Xander. It didn't make any real sense, but it looked as though Spike was protecting Xander. Not just making sure that he didn't die, which would have made sense from the situation Riley had explained: Spike had to keep him alive or else Buffy would kill him. Spike had gone beyond that, though. He had hurried the killing of the vampires he'd faced, not taking any time to toy with them or enjoy the carnage. Not only that, but now he was checking Xander over carefully, damn near fussing over him to make sure that he hadn't been hurt. It was impossible, but it looked like Spike cared about Xander, that he was actually worried about whether Xander was injured or not. Graham consciously relaxed his hands, loosening the fists he hadn't realized he'd made. He didn't like seeing Xander in danger; he liked seeing Spike practically fawn over him even less. Spike had to have some sort of plan, one that would ultimately end up hurting Xander. It might relate back to the vampire's obsession with Buffy, the one that made Riley crazy every time he talked about it. Whatever it was, Graham wasn't just going to stand by and let the blond bastard use Xander. He'd find a way to work it into mission parameters: he wasn't going to let Xander be hurt. Riley's hand on his shoulder forced Graham out of his brooding reverie. Graham nodded sharply to indicate that his head was back in the game. He watched as Spike argued with Xander, their voices too low for him to know over what. Whatever it was, Xander refused to go along with Spike. The vampire lit a cigarette, his jerky movements telegraphing his irritation clearly. He wasn't angry enough to leave Xander, though; the two men continued walking deeper into the cemetery together. Graham and Riley drifted along behind them, waiting to see what happened next. The demon that arose slavering from behind a tomb came as a complete surprise to Graham. He immediately pulled out his side arm, as did Riley beside. Of course, that was after he took a few steps back and successfully managed not to soil himself. He clamped down on his panic, smoothly shifting into battle mode. His emotions faded away and he became the soldier he'd trained so long to be: calculating and cool and efficient. It was this calm that allowed him to notice a few things, even as the demon rose to its true height and loomed large in the moonlight. First, Spike and Xander didn't really seem surprised by the demon's appearance. Neither man wasted anytime with surprised exclamations or panic; instead, Xander retreated a few paces and pulled out the handgun he'd retrieved at his apartment. At the same time, Spike launched himself at the demon, not hesitating for a moment as he tore at the creature with clawed hands. Second, Spike was definitely protecting Xander. The vampire was pitting himself against a demon, a creature that he could injure and torment as much as he liked without any repercussions from the chip inside his head. Riley had spent hours talking about the reasons why he loathed Spike, so Graham knew quite a bit about him. He knew that Spike should have been inflicting as much damage on the demon as possible, drawing out its pain as he concentrated on enjoying the torture. Instead, he was working as quickly as he could to kill the demon, glancing back at Xander whenever he could, checking on the dark-haired man to be sure that he was all right. Graham and Riley held their positions. So long as Spike and Xander were in no real danger, they had no reason to break cover and compromise the mission. That didn't mean that Graham wasn't burning to interfere, to pull Xander away from both the demon and the vampire, but he stayed true to his training and didn't reveal himself. Spike kicked the demon once more in the head then leapt away from it, giving Xander a clear shot at it. Holding his weapon with surprising professionalism, Xander fired two shots. With a wailing sigh, the demon collapsed, its skull shattered by the two bullets. Spike nodded approvingly toward Xander. The two men spoke quietly, then walked quickly out of the cemetery, heading back to Xander's apartment. Graham and Riley continued to follow them at a distance. After watching the two men enter the apartment building, Graham led the way to the surveillance van. He sat down and scooted closer to the wall of television screens, needing to see what was coming next. Xander put away the stakes, then reloaded and stored the gun. He then disappeared into the bathroom again and once more emerged with damp hair, wearing a pair of blue flannel pants and nothing else. He yawned hugely. "Night, Spike." "Night, Whelp." Spike was sprawled across the couch flipping through a magazine. Xander walked into his bedroom and flopped down onto the bed, sighing as he wriggled around on the sheets. After finding a comfortable position, he fell asleep almost immediately. As soon as Xander disappeared, the vampire tossed the magazine onto the table and rose to his feet. He began to move about the apartment, quietly putting used dishes in the dishwasher, shifting Xander's tools off to the side so they were no longer a hazard, and just in general neatening the apartment. "I wonder if he does windows," the tech commented. Graham exchanged a confused glance with Riley. What the hell was going on? Spike was now Xander's houseboy? He didn't like this at all. Spike wasn't acting at all like the vampire Graham remembered from his confinement within the Initiative base. There, he'd been coiled energy personified, muttering scorching curses and always looking for a chance to escape. Riley had told him tales of Spike gleefully reveling in violence, and yet the blond man was picking up the apartment of a supposed foe. And since when was Xander comfortable about having Spike in his apartment? They were wishing each other good night like they were Waltens instead of enemies. Graham impatiently motioned for the tech to turn up the volume. Spike finished with his cleaning. For a moment he stood in the middle of the apartment, shifting his weight as if in indecision. The moment passed and he walked silently across the room to Xander's bedroom door. He paused outside, head cocked to the side as though listening. After a few moments he slowly pushed the door open and went inside. Graham's muscles tensed as he readied himself to move. He knew Spike was chipped, knew that he couldn't hurt Xander, but he couldn't relax. The moment it looked as though Spike was going to do anything to harm Xander, Graham was going to be out of the van and up the stairs to stop him. Spike stood in the doorway, staring down at Xander. His gaze roamed over the sleeping man's body, tracing the lines of his back, the way one of his legs hung off the bed. He stood like that for long minutes, then walked toward Xander. He reached out and lifted Xander's leg, gently maneuvering it back onto the bed before pulling the blanket up to cover him. He brushed his fingertips over the exposed skin of Xander's shoulder, then silently left the room. He walked over to the other bedroom, shed his clothes and fell into bed himself. After neither man moved for a half-hour, the tech leaned back in his chair. "Show's over. Harris will sleep for another five hours and then get up for work, and this Spike guy will sleep for most of the day. Then he'll either leave wearing a protective layer for the sun or wait for Harris to come home." Graham nodded and he and Riley exited the van. As they drove back toward base, Riley looked over at him. "Weird." "Weird is putting it mildly. Since when is Spike Xander's guardian angel?" "I think Tyndal needs to hear about this." Graham agreed. As soon as the returned to base, they reported to the major. Tyndal received them in his office, listening to their observations without comment. He nodded slowly as they fell silent. "I think you men are right. Harris and this Spike's actions are out of character, based on all the intelligence we've gathered on them. It needs to be looked into." "I have a theory, sir," Graham volunteered. After Tyndal nodded his encouragement, he continued. "I believe that Willow and Tara's spell is keeping any more HSTs from entering the Sunnydale area, but that doesn't explain why the ones already present are more under control. I think that Harris and Spike are responsible for the restoration of order." "Or at least play a large part in it," Riley added. Tyndal considered their words. "I agree. Tomorrow, I want you to initiate contact with Harris. If he's part of the reason the situation here hasn't completely gone to hell, then I want you to help him. We need the Hellmouth stable for the sake of national security and I'm not willing to rely on the efforts of one civilian and an HST." He shuffled some of the papers on his desk. "For the time being, avoid contact with Summers. Until we understand why she's abandoned her work as the Slayer I don't want her involved." Graham and Riley snapped salutes at the major and were dismissed. As they walked toward their quarters, Graham watched Riley carefully. He'd just been ordered to stay away from his ex. Graham had no idea what to say, so he settled for sneaking glances at his friend at every opportunity. Finally, Riley couldn't take it anymore. "I'm fine, Graham. I'm not happy, but I'm fine." Graham nodded slowly. Riley had never been able to lie to him, not about anything that really mattered. "Just checking." "I know." A sudden grin lit the light-haired man's face. "Actually, I should be worried about you. After all, tomorrow you're going to be meeting Xander." Graham froze, his shirt half-pulled over his head. He glared at Riley. "You fuck." Riley's grin was unrepentant. "We've been ordered to contact him. To work closely with him." Graham threw his shirt at Riley. "Now I'm never going to get to sleep." Riley pulled the shirt off his head and tossed it back at him. "Just don't be too loud, all right? I need my beauty rest." "No amount of rest is going to help that mug of yours." Graham fell easily into the pattern of bickering, but his heat wasn't in it. He was going to see Xander tomorrow. He was going to talk to him and be near him and not have to stalk him... He was never going to get to sleep. *****