Title: Uncommon Distractions Author: Kay Email: kaygrr@hotmail.com Feedback: Please? Because watching a grown girl cry is just pathetic. Website: ssfdu.tripod.com/kay/journal.htm (love for Sandy) Archive: Just let me know, eh? Fandom: Buffy Pairing: (Xander/Graham) + (Xander/Spike) = Xander/Graham/Spike Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Mine? What? *These*? No, they're Mutant Enemy's. They just followed me home and wouldn't leave until I played with them. Spoilers: The last season of Buffy. The incident with Glory, and the ep "The Body". (Look at me, trying to be vague). And that ugly rumor about Spike and a certain blond slayer? Never happened. Summery: Graham and Riley are called back to Sunnydale when the area destabilizes. When they return, they discover there are new factors in lives of the Scooby Gang, especially in Xander and Spike's. Part 7/? Xander hurt. The inside of his head throbbed, protesting the Cynon's invasion of his mind. His eyes burned from the tears he had shed and his arms and legs were weak with reaction. He felt battered inside and out. When he stumbled outside, he just wanted to get away from the Cynon and reach the comfort of Spike's company. He called for the vampire as soon as he left the crypt. Spike was at his side in an instant. "Are you all right? How are you feeling?" He gently touched Xander's arm and guided him over to a low gravestone so he could sit. Xander raised his hands to his temples. "It hurts," he admitted quietly. "But it always hurts." His headache was intensified by the new information pressing in on his awareness: the locations of various demons, the plans they'd made, how long he had to find and kill them before they could hurt any innocents. He looked up at Spike, wanting to tell him what he'd learned and what they should do next. Before he could say anything, he caught sight of Riley and Graham staring at him. "What the hell are they doing here?" Spike pressed a few aspirin into his hand. "They just showed up. They wanted to interrupt, but didn't get the chance." "Are you all right?" Spike could've been hurt trying to stop them. Spike laughed. "You're asking me that when you're the...take your aspirin." Xander obediently dry-swallowed the pills, grimacing at the foul taste. "I don't know why I bother with these. They don't help." He knew he was going to have to deal with Graham and Riley's presence but he wasn't up to it. He needed a little while longer to recover first. "No?" Spike's fingers were cool against his forehead. "Not any more. I'm almost at the point where I'm willing to try...your alternative." At the last moment he remembered they had company and he censored himself. Spike seemed to dislike the pain and exhaustion that shook him every time he went to the Cynon. After a few encounters, Spike went so far as to offer Xander his blood. Not to turn him, though; apparently a vampire's blood held certainly healing qualities. Xander had refuse the offer when it was first made but he was almost willing to try it now. Spike's hand moved down to grip his shoulder hard. "Anything you want, pet. Anything." Xander thought the blue eyes staring down at him darkened and that Spike's voice sounded eager and almost...husky. He stared up at Spike for a moment before he realized how ridiculous his thoughts were. Spike was just offering to help him as a friend. Imagining that there was anything else behind the offer was foolish and dangerous and Xander already had enough of both going on in his life at the moment. He contented himself with smiling up at Spike. "Thank you." Spike squeezed his shoulder again, then shifted to stand beside him rather than in front. He still kept his hand on Xander's shoulder, though. Xander had an unobstructed view of Graham and Riley. "What are you doing here?" "That's what I want to ask you," Riley said. "What the hell happened to you? What's inside of there?" Xander stared at him steadily. How had they found him and Spike? They weren't supposed to meet them for another hour. "You were following me. You, or a surveillance team you've got targeting me." It was the only thing that made sense. It also explained why the soldiers hadn't been all that surprised to see Spike. "How long have I been under surveillance?" Riley hesitated, then sighed and gave in. "Under a week, I promise you. There's surveillance in your apartment and you've been followed to work. Beyond that, no one's been able to stick with you when you've gone out on patrol." Spike snarled. "You've been following us?" Xander laid his hand on Spike's stomach in a light restraining touch. "Standard procedure. What else would they do if the situation in dear old Sunnyhell went to shit?" He turned his attention to Riley and Graham. "I want it called off." "On one condition," Graham said. "What was going on in there? What hurt you?" "I've got one more condition, then," Xander countered. "I'll tell you, but I need your word that you won't interfere." "Fine!" Graham said. "What happened?" Xander chose his words carefully. He really didn't want to explain the whole thing to them. "I've got an arrangement with a demon. He gives me information about the other demons in town in exchange for the privilege of scaring the hell out of me. It's not a big deal." "You look like you've been through hell," Graham objected. "We've got trained surveillance teams at our disposal. You don't have to do this." "Did your surveillance teams know that a pair of Fritandor demons are planning on making their home beneath the Second Street nursery school? Easy access to snacks for the young ones that are on the way." Xander shook his head. "Your surveillance isn't going to cut it. I need him. We need him if we're going to have a chance." "I don't like it." "Neither do I. Neither does Spike. That doesn't change the fact that it's our best bet for keeping people alive. Are you going to stay out of this?" "Yes," Graham agreed. "And pull the surveillance from us," Spike insisted. "All of it." "So long as you don't resist us patrolling with you, that shouldn't be a problem," Riley said. "We need to keep open communication." "Fine." Xander didn't like the creepy feeling of knowing that he'd been monitored for the past few days without his knowledge. He understood why it had been done, but he was glad to know that it was over. "Now that we've got that settled, I guess we should get moving." "Are you sure you're all right?" Spike asked. "I'm as good as I'm going to get tonight. I think we should tackle the Fritandors tonight. I don't want them to establish themselves and then have to dig them out later." He rose carefully to his feet, aware of Spike hovering over him, ready to offer him aid if he needed it. He smiled briefly at the blond man and stretched painfully. "Let's go." As they walked, Spike stayed close to him, watching him carefully. Xander knew the first time that he showed an overt amount of pain or weariness the vampire would insist on taking him home. Xander figured it was a leftover from Spike's time spent with Drusilla: the blond man had definite tendencies to be a mother hen. It messed with Xander's head, making him think that Spike cared more than he really did, making him think that he was special to Spike instead of realizing that it was just the way Spike was. Thanks to the information in his head, finding the Fritandors was easy. Getting a chance to fight them wasn't. He was willing to take his chances and try to take them down, but he never even got close. Spike charged into the fray immediately and took out the male of the pair before the demons even knew they were in trouble. Xander moved to take on the female but Graham got there first. Between the blue-eyed solder and Spike, Xander and Riley never had an opportunity to try to land a blow. The other two men dispatched the enraged demon in a matter of minutes. Xander and Riley exchanged irritated glances, although Xander thought he saw amusement in Riley's gaze as well. When Spike and Graham fell back to join them, Xander asked, "There's a few fledges who are aspiring to try to rise above the level of minions not far from here. We could go take care of them." His last words were distorted by a yawn. Spike shook his head. "No more tonight. You need to rest." Before Xander could object, Graham agreed with Spike. "If you've got to work tomorrow, you're going to need to sleep." Finding no support when he looked at Riley, Xander gave in. "Fine. You two can use the extra time tonight removing all the bugs from my apartment." He frowned. "Are you watching anyone else?" Riley answered quickly. "Not any more. All teams will be called off tonight." Xander nodded. "Good." Walking back to his apartment was an interesting experience. Spike and Graham both walked close to him. Xander knew what was going on, of course. Spike might not say anything, but he had to be nervous being so close to members of the Initiative. He was staying close to Xander because they were less likely to make a move on him in front of a witness. No doubt Graham was worried about a vampire being so close to a human, so he was staying close to Xander to make sure that Spike didn't try anything. Not that Xander had to accept reality. As they walked, he allowed himself to build a little fantasy: Spike and Graham were both attracted to him - better yet, they were in love with him. They were walking close to him because they couldn't bear to be too far from him. It was silly and impossible, but it helped to pass the time as they walked home. Smiling quietly to himself, he allowed himself to pretend for a little while that he had someone to love and, best of all, that he was loved in return. *****