Title: Immortal Convergence Author: Kay Email: kaygrr@hotmail.com Feedback: Do you really want to see me beg? My happy dance is way more entertaining. Website: ssfdu.tripod.com/kay/journal.htm (Sandy rocks) Archive: Hey, just ask first Series: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Pairing: Xander/Wesley, Xander/Wesley/Spike, Duncan/Methos, Giles/Richie...etc. Rating: NC-17 Sequel: None Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the characters of the show don't belong to me in anyway whatsoever. Mutant Enemy, I live in envy of you. The same goes for Highlander and Rysher - they may be your toys, but I'm going to play with them. Niener. This story is written for enjoyment, not for profit. This whore only works for feedback. Litigation would be a waste of time, people. I'm a member of the Starving Student Sect. Summery: A renegade immortal on the Hellmouth puts Sunnydale in danger, and it's up to the Scooby Gang and some visitors from Seacouver to put things right. Warnings: spoilers up to Graduation II...I think. Xander returned from his summer a month ago, but that's about it. No Anya, no Tara ( I *like* Tara). There is Riley, though. As for HL...say it with me people: Richie isn't dead! Let's just pretend that in the next to last season, Ahriman was vanquished without a certain never-to-be-mentioned incident occurring, K? And the final season of HL never happened, either. Hell, if I'm going to be messing about with the characters, why not mess around with time, too? Part Thirteen/Thirteen Once again, Wesley marveled at life on the Hellmouth. Only in Sunnydale could they have made it to Giles's house without being stopped by the police. He and Spike had practically carried Xander most of the way there until he had finished healing from the sword wound. At the same time, Duncan and Richie had been dragging the dead Immortal through the streets, bickering the entire time. As it was, they'd made it all the way to Giles's house without encountering anyone, although it was likely that they had just scared away everyone else who may have been on the streets. Once the body had been safely stowed, everyone gathered in the living room. Buffy and Riley claimed their usual couch and Oz and Willow took one of the chairs, Oz perching on the arm. Joe took the remaining chair and the Immortals stood behind him, Richie leaning against one wall. Giles stood beside his bookcase in his usual lecturing place. Wesley pulled Xander over to stand in a corner. That way both of them could see the entire room and Wesley wouldn't have to worry about watching his lover's back. Spike drifted over to stand near them, slouching back against the wall as if utterly unconcerned with the discussion taking place around him. Wesley knew what was coming; Giles was going to insist on getting a full description of Immortals for future reference where Xander was concerned. Buffy would attempt to justify her actions, Xander would yell at her, Willow would make peace, and life would go on. The gray-eyed man watched in amusement as Giles tore his gaze away from Richie for about the twentieth time since Wesley had been told what to look for. Spike was right; there was definitely something going on between those two. That was the one area where Wesley had no predictions. Either Giles or Richie could still surprise him. He noticed Richie was wiping his hands on his jeans again. He could understand the impulse; carrying a dead body around was never pleasant and usually left him with the distinct desire to wash his hands. Unless the body was Xander, in which case he was left with the desire to kill people. Before he could say anything, Spike said, "If you want to wash your hands, pet, I can show you Rupert's washroom. I can even give you a guided tour, if you like. I know where he keeps all the manacles." He didn't leer, exactly, but there was definitely something more than casual interest in his voice. Giles bristled immediately. "He doesn't need your help. He isn't a child." He smiled at Richie. "There is a washroom down that hall." "Got it," Richie said with a warm look. He disappeared down the hall. Giles once again forced his eyes away from Richie's retreating form. "First things first." He fixed Joe with a steady glare. "I am going to need more information on Immortals than you have been willing to give me so far. If I am to competently help to keep him safe, I need to know about the dangers he will face on the Hellmouth." "Uh, Giles? I don't really need a protector," Xander said. Wesley could clearly here the unspoken 'another' in that sentence. He grinned unrepentantly at Xander. He wasn't going to stop trying to protect Xander anytime soon. "No, you need a nursemaid," Giles said, but his glare was fond. He looked back at Joe. "What can you tell me?" Joe sighed. "I guess you people understand the importance of keeping secrets. We don't know the origins of Immortals. They appear as foundlings and grow up just like ordinary people. The only thing different is what happens when they die a violent death. After they do, they revive after death, completely healed. From that point on they are Immortal. They can sense other Immortals and are bound by the rules of the Game." "Game? I'd heard something of this before," Giles said. "It's a lot of fun," Xander said earnestly. "Like Pokemon, only way more violent. Instead of 'got to catch'em all', it's 'got to kill'em all'." "Essentially, yes," Joe said. "The rules of the game are simple. No fighting on Holy Ground. One Immortal faces one Immortal at a time. Most importantly, there can be only one." "Only one what?" Willow asked. "Immortal. Only one Immortal. They fight to the death in order to take each other's Quickening and increase their own power." Wesley watched the expressions of mixed fascination and horror that came to the Scooby Gang's faces as Joe explained the concepts of Quickenings and the Game, as well as the complete role of Watchers. He saw that Willow and Giles took the threat presented by the release of a Quickening so close to the Hellmouth seriously, so he knew there would be no further debate about removal of the Immortal from Sunnydale to be dealt with later. "Wait a minute." Buffy raised one of her hands. "You said Immortals fight other Immortals. So what was Duncan there doing by jumping into the fight with the crazy guy? Shouldn't Xander have fought him?" She blinked and looked at Duncan. "You're like Xander. You're Immortal." Duncan sighed. "I am. Joe said there was an Immortal on the Hellmouth, so I came to help him however I could." He looked over at Adam and elbowed him in a mirror of Adam's earlier actions. Adam glared at him. When Duncan just stared back at him, the thin man sighed. "You know, I'm beginning to like this new policy. Instead of keeping with the tradition of secrecy that extends back since before memory begins, let's just begin telling everyone everything." He looked over at the people staring at him. "I'm an Immortal as well." Wesley looked over at Richie as he re-entered the room. When the red-haired man heard Adam's words, he caught Duncan's eye and shook his head quickly. Interesting. Wesley wondered how long Richie was planning on keeping his secret. He wondered if he was planning to tell Giles at all. He ran out of time to worry about Richie and Giles when he realized that the general attention of the room had shifted over to himself and Xander. "What? I'm not an Immortal," he protested, deliberately misunderstanding the reason for their regard. "Yeah, but you were kissing one," Buffy said. "Is there something you two maybe forgot to tell us?" "We didn't forget," Xander said. He smiled at Wesley. "We just wanted to keep this between us for a little while." "So what is it between you?" Xander raised his eyebrows. "I'd say there's about half a foot, maybe?" He looked at the distance that separated him and Wesley as though trying to measure it. "Idiot," Wesley said fondly. He met Buffy's intense look mildly. "I love him. He loves me." He left it at that. Anything more was none of their business. Buffy licked her lips. "You love him and he loves you? You mean in a 'you're my best friend' or 'I love you like a brother' kind of way, right?" Wesley rolled his eyes and had to stifle a grin as Xander commented in a low voice meant for him and Spike alone, "Last time I checked, this wasn't Alabama." Spike snorted loudly from his place by the wall and sneered at Buffy. "For the Chosen One, you have the observation skills of one of those pointy sticks you wield." He pointed at Wesley. "He loves the whelp." He pointed at Xander. "And he loves him back. They truly, maddeningly, sickeningly love each other." He included the rest of the room in his contemptuous stare. "For the slower members of the class, that means they shag like bunnies on speed." Wesley couldn't restrain his laughter, and he leaned against Xander as he chuckled, loving the feeling of the other man shaking with laughter beside him. The Scooby Gang looked as though they'd been smacked in the back of their heads. As he regained control of himself, Wesley looked over at Willow. The only person whose opinion mattered to him in any real way was Willow. She was still a huge influence on Xander and her approval could make things much easier for them in the long run. Not that easy mattered - he wasn't going to give up Xander. Ever. Willow stared at him measuringly. "Riley, explain the shovel to him." Riley straightened and began to speak immediately. "If you do anything to hurt Xander in anyway, Willow will hunt you down and beat you to death with a shovel. There will be no mercy and no chances to offer up excuses, only bloody death by bludgeoning." He cast a slightly wary look at Willow, who nodded approvingly, and then he relaxed. Spike shoved away from the wall and turned to face Xander, his coat swirling dramatically around him. "Forget the bloody shovel. You've got me to worry about. Here I am, travelling half-way around the world to come back to you and I find out that you're cheating on me. You'd better be able to explain this to me, pet." Wesley watched in delight as Xander widened his eyes in a show of alarm. "Spike, I didn't know that you were coming back! I hadn't heard from you in ages and I was lonely." He reached out imploringly toward the vampire. "You said you would wait for me," Spike said forbiddingly, taking a step forward. "You promised me." Wesley snuck a peek at the other people in the room. The Sunnydale residents had slipped back into a state of shock, while those from Seacouver merely looked confused. Giles had removed his glasses and was wiping at the lenses furiously. "I don't want to hear this," he said clearly, refusing to look up from his glasses, "and I am not going to watch." Buffy's face was twisted with disgust, while Willow was being lightly restrained by Oz has she half-rose from the chair. "Xander...you and *Spike*?" Spike leered cheerfully at her. "Didn't you know? It's not as though I bite just anyone...no wait - anyway, me and Xander, we're like *this*." He raised his hand, his first and second fingers twined together. Buffy covered her eyes and moaned something about mental images and needing a lobotomy to erase them. Wesley looked back over to Spike and Xander, eager to see what they would come up with next. Spike invaded Xander's personal space. "How could you?" he demanded, managing to sound hurt. "I wanted to wait," Xander said soothingly, ignoring the others' reactions. "But then I met Wesley. How could I resist? Look at him!" Spike cocked his head to the side and looked Wesley up and down. "He is rather nummy," he said in a considering tone. Lips twisted in a grin of absolutely satanic glee, Spike reached out and grabbed Wesley, jerking him forward into a consuming kiss. Wesley resisted for a moment before he remembered that he didn't give a damn about who was watching. He relaxed into the kiss, submitting to the demands of Spike's mouth as he allowed his hands to roam freely over the blond man's back in a blatant display of desire. When he was finally released, he was panting and Spike's eyes were somewhat glazed. Still holding Wesley in his arms, Spike nodded over toward Xander. "Look at him." Xander was obviously affected by their actions: his eyes dark with passion, he licked his lips and had his hands clenched into fists. When he reached out to Spike, the vampire shook his head and pulled Wesley away from him. "No. You're still in trouble, pet. You have to be punished." "Spike..." Xander's voice was thick with want. "No." Spike's tone was firm. "I think I'm going to have to take your new toy away for a little while. If you're a very good boy, perhaps you'll be allowed to watch." His hands wandered down Wesley's back in a teasing journey for both Wesley and Xander. Spike nuzzled at Wesley's ear. "What do you say, Wes? We can teach him a lesson and enjoy ourselves at the same time." Smirking at Xander, Wesley cuddled himself closer to Spike. "Sounds good to me." "We didn't do anything wrong," Giles said. "So why are we being punished?" Buffy jumped in. "What the hell is this? Xander, you were involved with Spike? Have you and Wesley both completely lost your minds?" Her hand inched down toward her stake. Xander blinked and reluctantly looked over at her, frowning when he saw her hand moving. "No, Buffy. Leave your stake where it is. I wasn't involved with Spike in the past. We were just playing a game because Spike's, well, Spike." "Then what is he doing crawling all over Wesley?" "You've got to admit it's pretty hard to resist the urge to crawl on him." Xander waggled his eyebrows. When that failed to earn him any smiles, he sighed. "I'm in love with Wes. That's not going to change, ever if I can help it. And for right now, Spike's going to be staying in town for a while. With us." When Buffy began to protest, Wesley stepped away from Spike and stood slightly in front of the other two men with his arms crossed over his chest. "Your objections really don't matter. Xander and I are both adults and may act as we please. If anyone wishes to dispute this, I'd be more than happy to discuss it with you further." He flexed his fingers and repressed a smirk as Riley flinched openly at the reminder of his abilities. The silence that followed his offer was remarkably gratifying. "Good. If no one else wants to object to something that isn't any of their concern, I suggest we move on." Conversation began haltingly. The men from Seacouver weren't really effected, aside from a bit a shifting by Adam to adjust the drape of his coat; Wesley grinned as he realized that the Immortal had been affected by the little display he and his lovers had put on. Duncan's furious glare as the long-haired man realized what was going on made Wesley suspicious of the relationship he and Adam shared. There might be more their bickering than he had previously believed. The Scooby Gang was too shell-shocked to just get back to business easily. If Giles polished his glasses much more, he was going to wear away the lenses. As Willow and Buffy tried to finalize arrangements for communication with Joe and the others if they should ever need help with Immortal related problems, Giles looked up, unexpectedly catching Wesley looking at him. The older man's stare was fierce and a little strained. Wesley realized that he'd been put under quite a bit of strain lately: dealing with a threat to the Hellmouth that he knew very little about, thinking Xander might have been (permanently) dead, and struggling flirtation with a stranger were all adding up. The Watcher's gaze slid over to Xander and then moved back to Wesley's once more. Wesley had the feeling that if the impossible happened he ever did anything to hurt Xander, his biggest worry would be Giles and the vengeance the other man would seek for the crime of hurting one of the young people for whom he cared so much. A quiet comment by Richie pulled Giles's attention over to the young Immortal, a hidden hunger in his eyes that was nearly eclipsed by powerful loss. Richie was going to be leaving in a few hours and with him would go whatever chance Giles could have had with him. Wesley shook his head. It wasn't right. Xander's hand brushed lightly over his. "What's wrong?" Wesley explained in a low voice to both Xander and Spike. When he finished, Xander had his jaw set in determination. "We're not going to let that happen." "What are we supposed to do about it?" Xander's grin was full of wicked mischief. "Spike, hit on Richie." The vampire chuckled low in his throat. "Pet, you deserve a reward." "I thought I was going to be punished." "If we get home in time, you'll get both," Wesley promised him. Spike moved so he was leaning against the wall, between Wesley and Richie. Everytime Richie made a comment or asked a question, Spike either admired what he had to say or rushed to answer him, smiling the entire time with obvious promise. "That's a good point, Rich. Very insightful." "Not much chance of that happening. You think of everything, don't you, pet?" "I'm sure you can handle it, nice strong boy like you. Shouldn't be any problem at all." "Never even considered that. Glad you're here, mate." Wesley watched in fascination as Giles's glower became blacker and blacker. He hoped that the older man had never come across the Klertonian spell for creating an actual death glare or else Spike was at risk of becoming a smoldering pile of ashes. Giles didn't do anything but glare, though, and glaring wasn't going to stop Richie from leaving with the others as soon as the meeting was over. Spike shot one last lascivious look at Richie before falling back to talk to Wesley. "This isn't working. He's just going to watch me, just going to watch Richie leave town." Xander licked his lips. "I don't know, Spike. He's looking less like Giles, mild-mannered librarian and more like Ripper, bad-ass demon worshipper. I don't know how much farther you can push him before he loses it." "We need him to lose it," Wesley decided. "Anything less and he's just going to stay in control and lose any chance he has with Richie." "Right, then." The demonic glee was back in Spike's blue eyes. "One out of control Watcher coming up." Wesley wasn't sure what to expect, but Spike falling silent and listening intently to the conversation wasn't it. After a few moments, Spike asked a question about magic which Wesley had to answer. As he explained the concept, he was further confused by Spike's complete inattention to what he had to say. Instead, he went back to watching Richie with undisguised acquisitiveness. Soon, he started poking Wesley, never taking his eyes off Richie, hard little jabs to the speaking man's shoulder. After a few moments, he couldn't take it any more. "What do you want?" Spike looked at him with the pleading eyes of a five year old. "Can I have him?" he asked, pointing a Richie. "We could take him home with us, have some fun, further his education a bit." His tongue swept over his lower lip as he glanced back at Richie. "Please? I bet that he would be delicious." Beside Spike, Xander's eyes lit up as his gaze locked on Richie. "You know, I think Spike's on to something." His gaze wandered down the red-haired man's body. "He's got a great-" Wesley watched in fascination as Giles snapped. "That is quite enough." Giles took a few steps forward, placing his body firmly in front of Richie, blocking Spike and Xander's view of him. "If there is to be any furthering of Richie's education, it will be done by me, do you understand?" He glared furiously at Spike. "If I catch you so much as looking at him, you will regret it." "Looking isn't a crime," Spike protested. "Neither is appreciating. Can't help doing either when there's someone like him about." "The next time I catch you 'appreciating' him I'll arrange a suitable chastisement. Perhaps you'll learn faster if I perform the Searsian Persuasion and key it into every time your eyes wander." Giles took a step forward, pushing his way into Spike's space, looming over him. Wesley winced. He had no idea where Giles planned on finding a miniature Searsia demon and even less understanding of how he planned on restraining Spike long enough to insert it, but it was a dire threat indeed. Spike had apparently heard of the rare method of torture; he didn't back down, but he kept his eyes on Giles instead of trying to sneak another look Richie. Questioning fingers tugged at Wesley's shirt and he looked down to meet Xander's inquiring gaze. "What's a Searsian Persuasion?" Xander whispered. "I'll tell you when you're older," Wesley said just as quietly. Xander stuck his tongue out at him, then returned his attention to the confrontation in front of him, as did Wesley. Behind Giles, Richie cleared his throat. "Don't I get to have a say?" "No." Giles turned, Spike completely forgotten. The vampire moved with controlled haste until he was standing behind Wesley and Xander, the whole time acting as though he was doing so for no particular reason, especially not to hide from Giles. Giles didn't just loom over Richie; he kept moving until Richie was pressed up against the wall. "You don't get to have any say. You've done quite enough flirting and teasing." Richie opened his mouth to object, but Giles didn't give him the chance. He covered his mouth with his own, stealing his words and his breath. Wesley watched in fascination as Giles pinned the Immortal to the wall with his body even as he used his hands to angle Richie's head so as to better dominate his mouth. Richie's body was stiff with resistance at first, but after a few moments he was pliant against Giles and his arms were wrapped around the Watcher's waist, pulling him even closer. "I didn't know Giles had it in him," Xander said admiringly. Wesley shot a concerned look at him. He didn't care for the way Xander was looking at Giles at all. He looked at Spike and found that the vampire wasn't liking it either. He grabbed Xander and pulled him around so the younger man could no longer see the kissing pair. "Hey, I was watching that!" Xander protested. Wesley decided Giles had the right idea: shut'em up with a kiss. He ruthlessly stopped Xander's complaints and swept his tongue across his lips, distracting and silencing him at the same time. He kept one of his eyes open and watching Giles and Richie, though. He didn't want to miss that, either. A cool body pressed up against his side as Spike slid one arm around both his and Xander's waist. Wesley wriggled happily as the blond man's lips brushed over his jawline; apparently, Spike wanted to take advantage of the Scooby Gang's distraction to get in a few touches of his own. Giles finally released Richie's mouth. Richie blinked a few times and grinned delightedly at Giles. "Oh, Tiger, you can teach me anything." "I plan on it." Giles leaned in to kiss Richie one more time, but the younger man evaded his mouth. "What?" "There's something I have to tell you." Giles made no move to release him. "You're married?" "No..." "Straight?" "No!" "An exceptionally skilled male impersonater?" "No." Richie laughed a little, but he still looked nervous. "Then it doesn't matter," Giles said firmly, moving in once more. "I'm Immortal!" Richie blurted. Giles blinked. "Are you planning on killing Xander?" "Of course not!" "Are you seeking to harness the power of the Hellmouth as a part of some nefarious plan?" "No." "Then it doesn't matter." One more lingering kiss, and then Giles stepped off to the side so that he could see the rest of the people in room. He kept one of his arms around Richie as he turned to glare at everyone in the room. Wesley wanted to back away from Xander, but his lover was bumping up against him in teasing brushes that he found irresistible. The added sensation of Spike's light brushes of lips dissolved his will completely. Giles pointed a finger at Buffy, who just beginning to get over gasping for air and work herself up to talking. "You are not going to say anything, except perhaps 'congratulations, Giles'. Anything more exceeds the extent to which this is any of your business." He pinned Willow with his glare next. "You are going to stay out of Xander's love life, and you are going make sure everyone else stays out of it as well. He's old enough to make his own choices, so you are just going to let it go. If one of them hurts him, then you and your shovel can step in but until then you are not to interfere." His gaze swept the whole of the Scooby Gang. "That goes double for my own life. Understood?" Hasty nods all around, even from Buffy. Wesley was impressed. Still staring down the seated people in the room, Giles raised his voice. "And if you three do not cease to make out inside of my home I will render you all impotent and no amount of little blue pills will ever be able to help you." Xander jerked away from Wesley as if burned. "Giles, that's not nice." "It wasn't intended to be. You will behave in my home or face the consequences." "Fine," Xander sulked. "But the same goes for you then. No making out with Richie when you're at our place." He stuck out his tongue, a childish gesture which Richie immediately returned. Wesley sighed. He wanted that tongue to be doing something else. "Well, I do believe we've covered just about everything we need to tonight. Joe, Adam and Duncan will take care of our insane friend Willow, Buffy, Riley and Oz can finish patrolling if they wish; I will take Xander and Spike home; and Richie-" "I'll take care of Richie, thank you very much." Giles glared at him. "You've got your hands full." Not at the moment, but he did have high hopes for the rest of the evening. "Ah. Good night, then." Wesley herded Xander and Spike toward the door, wanting to get out before another apocalypse occurred or Buffy recovered from her shock. He thought he heard someone begin to speak but he slammed the door shut behind them before he could be sure. Xander was laughing at him openly. "Would you feel better if we ran?" Wesley flipped him off. "Yes," he admitted, grabbing Xander's hand and dragging him off down the street. "At least for a block or two." With Spike easily keeping pace with them, they made their way to the apartment. Only when they were inside with the door locked did Wesley begin to relax. Xander pulled off his ruined shirt and jacket. "I'm going to start charging the gang for my ruined clothes. Buffy doesn't go through her wardrobe at this rate." He heeled off his sneakers. "I mean, the others don't have to replace shirts nearly as often as I do. And have neither of you noticed that I'm almost naked? Why haven't I been jumped yet?" Wesley laughed. "Because you haven't let us get a word in edgewise." He reached for Xander and caught him by the shoulders, pulling him forward. "You've just been talking and talking when there are far better things you could be doing with your mouth." He demonstrated one of them by pressing his lips to Xander's, gently teasing them open with persistent licks until the dark-haired man was murmuring happily as Wesley's tongue swept his mouth. Feeling smug, Wesley pushed Xander back until he fell back onto the couch. He moved to follow him but was arrested by Spike's hands. The vampire leered at him. "Don't you think you'd have more fun with less clothing?" He didn't wait for an answer; he just stripped away Wesley's clothing with ruthless efficiency until they were lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. Warm hands on his hips drew his attention back to Xander. His lover grinned at him as he pulled him closer. "What is it with you and my mouth?" He leaned forward and sucked the head of Wesley's erection into his mouth. Wesley hissed his pleasure and let his head fall back. He didn't know how Xander could not know what it was about his mouth; not only did the most amusing, most infuriating, most wonderful words come from it, but he had a way of twisting his tongue just like *that*...Wesley gave up on thought and just clamped his hands down on Xander's shoulder to hold on for the ride. As he began to pant in anticipation of climax, Xander pulled away and he couldn't help his moan of protest. Xander's hands ran up and down his thighs in a soothing caress. "Wes, Wes listen. I just wanted to make sure that you wanted to come in my mouth." "Of course I want to come in your mouth! Where else would I..." Wesley's irritated protests faded away as he realized what Xander meant. With a growl, he jerked Xander to his feet and impatiently pushed his jeans away from his hips. He soon had his lover back down on the couch as he kissed him urgently. "Can you magic up some lube?" Xander asked. "Spike!" Wesley craned his neck around in a desperate search until he spotted the vampire watching them in undisguised appreciation. Spike walked over, holding a tube negligently between his fingers. "Was there something you wanted?" His attitude of complete nonchalance was only slightly ruined by his lack of clothing. "Spike..." "Nothing for nothing, pet." Spike sat down on the couch, leaning back against the arm. "What are you going to do for me?" Xander wriggled around under Wesley until he could crawl across the couch toward Spike. He didn't bother to say anything; he just began to lick a path up Spike's pale inner thigh. Wesley watched in satisfaction as Spike's eyes slid closed. He leaned forward and plucked the lube from the vampire's nerveless fingers. As Spike began to moan steadily from Xander's attention, Wesley used the lube he'd claimed to prepare Xander and himself. He didn't want to draw this out, for any of them. It had been a long day and he just wanted to feel both his lovers against him once more before they got some well-deserved rest. He wanted to end this day the right way: wrapped up in love and lust and the scent of two men he was beginning to care about more than he'd thought he'd ever be able to. Watching Spike claw at the couch, Wesley slowly pressed himself inside of Xander. Xander arched back against him, seeking to hasten the contact between them. Wesley obliged, thrusting hard and seating himself fully within his lover. Both of them froze for a moment, savoring the sudden feeling of connection. "Hey! You're not finished, here!" Spike protested, sliding his hands around Xander's head and pulling him back down. Xander grabbed one of Spike's hand and brought it to his mouth. He sucked two of the vampire's fingers into his mouth. "That's not what I want you to suck on," Spike protested. Wesley held himself still, breathing hard, waiting to see what Xander would do next. He wasn't disappointed. Xander bobbed his head up and down over the fingers for a few moments more, then froze. Spike threw his head back and groaned, even as his hips thrust upward involuntarily. Wesley was confused until he caught sight of red on Xander's lips. Xander had bitten Spike. Wesley dropped his head to Xander's back. "Jesus, Xander." He couldn't hold back any longer; the thought of Xander doing something so violent, so erotic to Spike was more than he could endure. He snaked one hand around Xander's hip to grasp his lover's erection and moved his hand in time with his increasingly frantic thrusts. He could feel completion hovering just out of reach, until he caught sight of Xander wrapping Spike's bloody hand and one of his own around Spike's cock to jerk him off. Pale fingers entwined with dark as they stroked wetly, redly over Spike's flesh. That was all Wesley needed; orgasm ripped through him. Shaken, he rested lightly against Xander's back until the other two men also gasped out their completion. Sandwiched in between the two other men, Xander was the first to move. "Erk. Shower." Wesley grinned; he loved the way Xander went pre-verbal when he was well and truly worn out. He carefully pulled out of Xander and help him to his feet. "I don't know if we'll all fit." The only coherent word in Xander's reply was "fun". Wesley chuckled and nodded as Spike helped him to maneuver Xander toward the shower. As they headed for the bathroom, Wesley found himself hoping that Spike was planning to stick around for a while. He wasn't in love with the vampire, but he had a feeling that given time he very well could be. Spike meshed wonderfully with the two of them, falling seamlessly into the rhythms of their lives and love. He also believed that they hadn't seen the last of Richie. Giles wasn't one for casual affairs and the look in Richie's eyes was far from one of merely casual interest. With Richie in town, the rest of the men from Seacouver could well become regular visitors as well. Wesley approved, in a way. So long as Duncan managed to restrain his outrage at the way Xander on a occasion bent the rules, he believe that the other Immortals could be quite useful in helping Xander to learn more about the rules that governed his extended life and help guarantee that he lasted longer in the Game of which he was a part. Wesley found himself looking forward to the future; Sunnydale was going to be a little more interesting from now on. Not only was Spike going to be around, but Buffy had been taken down a few pegs and Giles was definitely going to be more fun. All that could wait. He had two men waiting for him in the shower. Life was good. ***** That's all! I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, so replies to feedback will probably have to wait until then, just so y'all know why I've gone completely silent. When I get back, I've got another story all ready to begin . It's not a sequel to anything I've previously written. No rest for the boys, nope. They're too hard to resist. And Sandy, I just want to say thank you one more time. This fic wouldn't have happened without you. Kay